


kis rāt naz̤ar kī hai sū-e chashmak-e anjum
āñkhoñ ke tale apne to vuh māh-jabīñ thā

1) on which night have I turned a gaze toward the {winking / looking askance} of the stars?
2) beneath my eyes, {then / after all} , was that moon-{faced/'foreheaded'} one



chashmak : 'Winking, a wink; looking askance (at), coldness, misunderstanding'. (Platts

S. R. Faruqi:

There's no need to read apne as apnī [to go with the feminine āñkheñ]. In Mir's time grammar rules hadn't been so fixed that such things had to be kept in mind on every occasion. [A discussion of how reversed word order-- āñkhoñ ke tale apne rather than the normal apnī āñkhoñ ke tale -- often means that the adjective in reversed position is treated as masculine.]

The wordplay between 'stars' and 'moon-forehead' is clear; the wordplay between āñkhoñ and naz̤ar and chashmak too is worthy of attention. The meaning of chashmak can be 'to wink at' or 'to look askance at', for example in enmity or rivalry; here both these meanings are present.

In Persian, the k ending is often used to show belittlement or disdain: mard beomes mardak , for example, and murġh becomes murġhak . In this regard, chashmak can also mean 'little tiny eyes'. That is, because of the stars' brightness they can be given the simile of eyes, but those eyes are very small and cannot rival the beloved's bright, beautiful eyes. There's also an affinity between 'eye' and 'forehead'.



As SRF points out, the various possibilities of chashmak are excellently operative here. The twinkling stars are a petty, negligible version of what the speaker already has available literally before his eyes-- flirtatiously 'winking' beauty, and/or a cold or hostile regard.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --