burqaʿ : 'A thing with which a woman veils her face, having in it two holes for the eyes (it is a long strip of cotton or other cloth, concealing the whole of the face of the woman wearing it, except the eyes, and reaching nearly to the feet)'. (Platts p.147)
TERMS == AFFINITY; WORDPLAYSRF's point about the moon-face and the tides is excellent. There's also the crucially hovering presence of the common idiomatic expression 'turn to water with shame' [sharm se pānī pānī honā], though it doesn't actually appear in the verse.
In fact the verse is really based on this idiomatic expression, and its accompanying wordplay. What can we call this lovely form of 'wordplay with an absent word'? It's impossible to read this verse without thinking of sharm se pānī pānī honā and its perfect relevance, yet the word doesn't appear in the verse (and the rest of the wordplay is wonderful too). Is this a form of 'implication' [kināyah], in which the non-appearing word is part of what's 'implied'? Another such example: {29,3}.
SRF's explication of the two ways of reading 'like the moon' is an example of what I call 'midpoints'. Here as so often, the difference made by the two readings is not an immense one. But the very fact of undecideability is a pleasure to be savored in itself.
Note for grammar fans: The perfect niklā is here used colloquially as a subjunctive.