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māyah : 'Source, root, origin, principle, essence, substance'. (Platts p.988)
kīmiyā : 'Alchemy; chemistry; —elixir, the basis of gold and silver; a specific'. (Platts p.890)
be-tāb : 'Faint, powerless; agitated, restless, uneasy impatient... ; devoid of splendour, lustreless'. (Platts p.202)
tajnīs : 'Making of the same kind, making homogeneous (with); resemblance, analogy; (in Rhet.) alliteration; punning (especially to the eye); pun; equivoque: — tajnīs-e ḳhat̤t̤ī , s.f. Using words which are written with the same letters but with different vowel points, a kind of equivoque in writing (e.g. pal , pil , pul in the following verse of Sauda's: — mauj-e chashm-e ʿāshiqāñ de toṛ pal meñ pil ke pul , 'the waves from the eyes of lovers would in a moment demolish a bridge by their shock')'. (Platts p.311)
tajnīs : 'Making homogeneous; resemblance, analogy; alliteration, jingle of rhymes; pun, play on words'. (Steingass p.283)
TERMS == AFFINITY; TAJNISOne of the projects I'll have in this commentary is to keep fairly close track of SRF's commentarial terminology in SSA. This is the first occurrence of tajnīs , and I've given Platts's definition above. Since it's a versatile term, I don't know if it can or should be assigned a single English counterpart. So I think I'll just keep it and treat 'tajnis' as an English word, as in the case of 'zila' [ẓilʿa].