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jalnā : 'To burn; to be burnt; to be on fire; to be kindled, be lighted; to be scorched, be singed; to be inflamed, to be consumed; to be touched, moved, or affected (with pity, &c.); to feel pain, sorrow, anguish, &c.; to burn or be consumed with love, or jealousy, or envy, &c'. (Platts p.387)
TERMS == IMPLICATION; METAPHORWhat does it mean to 'burn' [jalnā]? The various meanings (see the definition above) open a wide variety of physical and emotional reactions on the speaker's part. Which ones are invoked will depend on what we take to be 'the condition of the nest'; and this is left for us to decide.
We might assume that the nest has been destroyed, burnt to ashes by the raging conflagration of a real fire in the garden. In this case, the bird-speaker might react by 1) suffering and 'burning' with grief and sympathy over the terrible fate of the nest, which might have his family in it; 2) 'burning' with envy at this supremely desirable consummation of a lover's destiny, which was attained by others but not by the speaker himself; 3) literally 'burning' to ashes in flames of ardor and longing (for if the rose's color can start a literal fire, surely the lover's passion can do so too).
Alternatively, we might assume that the fire is metaphorical, so that the nest hasn't really been burned to ashes. Rather, the nest is most fortunate to be in the garden, suffused with the blazing red radiance of the rose. In this case, the bird-speaker might react with either envy (of the transfiguring experience of those in the nest) or grief (that he himself isn't in the nest to participate in this radiant joy).
SRF says that the metaphorical meaning ('the rose's color/style is a fire') is simple and straightforward when compared to the power of 'implication' [kināyah] to set things going more vigorously ('the rose's color/style burned up the garden'). I wonder whether the 'implication' is really the key to what's going on here. What can 'implication' do here that metaphor cannot? If the rose's color metaphorically 'is' a fire, wouldn't it then have a fire's power to burn things down? And since the verse explicitly says that the rose's color did set fire to the garden, is this really an 'implication'? Such questions-- of literal versus metaphorical meanings, and of how we can best analyze and discuss them-- cut right to the heart of ghazal poetics. They always make my head spin with the oscillation back and forth between the two. Reading Mir offers many occasions to think about such issues.