


;Gamze ne us ke chorii me;N dil kii hunar kiyaa
us ;xaan-maa;N-;xaraab ne aa;Nkho;N me;N ghar kiyaa

1) her sidelong-glances made the theft of the heart into a skill/art
2) that house-wrecker made a home in the eyes



S. R. Faruqi:

In the opening-verse there's nothing special. The point is only that before committing a theft or house-breaking, a clever thief looks over the place and takes a house right nearby, so that it would be easy to spot an opportunity and take advantage of it. Here the beloved practiced this skill: with the intention of stealing the heart, she took up residence in the eyes. The wordplay of 'house-wrecker' and 'made a home' is fine.

This very same theme he's also composed elsewhere in the first volume, like this [{103,1}]:

chorii me;N dil kii vuh hunar kar gayaa
dekhte hii aa;Nkho;N me;N ghar kar gayaa

[in the theft of the heart she used such skill/art
the moment she saw them, she made a home in the eyes]



Her 'sidelong glances' settled in the 'eyes'; that 'house-wrecker' made a 'home'. Behind this excellent wordplay there also lies the idiomatic expression kisii kii aa;Nkho;N me;N basnaa , 'to become the apple of someone's eye', which literally means 'to settle/live in someone's eyes'. Here, that idiom is not actually present, but it's clearly and strongly evoked, and thus through its invisibly hovering presence becomes perhaps even more enjoyable.