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naṣīb honā : 'To fall to the lot (of), to have the good fortune (to gain anything); to be destined (for)'. (Platts p.1142)
gul-zār : 'A garden of roses; a bed of roses; a garden; —a flourishing and well-populated town; —adj. Blooming, flourishing'. (Platts p.911)
TERMSThe heart is the envy of the garden because it's so colorful-- it's bathed in the bright red of fresh blood, it glows with the fiery heat of passion, it's inflamed and red with feverish longing, etc. Thus it seems to be as enviable, as brilliantly radiant as a 'bed of roses'. (And how lucky that we have such an idiom in English too, with such a wealth of sarcastic possibilities.) And so it happens that the lover can wish the cruel beloved what presents itself as, and seems in its sententious phraseology to be, a blessing-- but what we know to be actually a curse: 'May you, cruel Hunter of hearts, someday lie in the same bloody 'bed of roses' that I lie in now!'.
But surely there's a secondary possibility as well. For the wound is caused by 'separation' (from the beloved) in the first place, which means that the Hunter is elsewhere, and is not pursuing the wounded lover, who is perhaps a trivial and uninteresting prey. So quite probably the Hunter has never even seen this radiant spectacle, this 'bed of roses' more brilliant than a garden. The lover wishes, perhaps in an enticing tone, for her to be there and to enjoy seeing the spectacle that has made the whole garden envious; he himself would then find a respite from the pain of her absence.
The structure of offering a 'blessing' is the common feature that the present verse shares with the Ghalib verse cited by SRF. But while Mir's speaker in the present verse wishes the Hunter either a pain (a bloody wound of her own) or a pleasure (the sight of her lover's bloody wound), Ghalib's speaker makes a more complicated wish. What Ghalib's speaker wishes his enemy is 'a wound that can be stitched up', which is to say 'a curable wound'. On the face of it, in the real world, that's basically a hostile wish (a wound). In the perverse world of the ghazal, however, it might still be a somewhat hostile wish (a wound at least, even though it would be curable). But it might also be a somewhat generous wish (a wound that's curable, so that he'll be spared from the worst kind of pain). Or it might ultimately be a differently and more contemptuously hostile wish (a wound that's curable, since he's too much of a wimp and a coward to be able to bear the kind of incurable wound that I can bear). This is why SRF says that Ghalib's verse is more 'mischievous' [shoḳh].