


ġhalat̤ hai ʿishq meñ ai bū al-havas andeshah rāḥat kā
rivāj us mulk meñ hai dard-o-dāġh-o-ranj-o-kulfat kā

1) it's erroneous, in passion, oh Lecher-- the thought/concern for rest/ease!
2) the custom in that/this land is pain and wounds and sorrow and trouble



andeshah : 'Thought, consideration, meditation, reflection; solicitude, anxiety, concern ... ; doubt, misgiving, suspicion; apprehension, dread, fear; danger, peril'. (Platts p.91)


rāḥat : 'Quiet, rest, repose, ease, tranquillity, cessation of toil or trouble or inconvenience, freedom from toil or trouble, &c., relief; pleasure'. (Platts p.580)

S. R. Faruqi:

andeshah = thought

The opening-verse is by way of introduction. But the second line is well-framed, and recalls Iqbal's line [from jibrīl-o-iblīs , in bāl-e jibrīl , 1935]:


[burning and creativity and pain and wounds and searching and longing]



The word andeshah can be neutral ('thought'), as SRF maintains it to be in this verse. In this case the speaker simply warns the Lecher against imagining that he can have any rest, ease, etc. if he rashly enters the land of passion.

But more often andeshah has at least a slight, if not a marked, negative slant (see the definition above). If we consider the negative possibilities ('doubt, suspicion, concern', etc.), then the verse can become more complex. It can mean that the Lecher may harbor the suspicion that lovers are in fact enjoying, rest, ease, etc. (while hypocritically claiming to be suffering all the time). In that case the speaker means to disabuse him of any such suspicion. Presumably the speaker is a lover himself, and knows whereof he speaks, and is in a sense defending his honor. Perhaps he's even talking to himself, bleakly and reproachfully.

Is it 'that' or 'this' land? The former reading tends to put the speaker outside the land of passion-- he's just any bystander, warning a stranger against entering dangerous terrain. The latter reading puts the speaker himself right inside the land of passion (he's a lover reporting on the 'customs' of his own culture).

Still, none of this really suffices to make the verse very piquant.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --