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TERMSUgh! The scene is hard to visualize; and if it can be imagined at all, then it's grotesque. Tiny little bits of the liver, sticking to the eyelashes or actually embedded in the eye-- puh-leeze! There could hardly be a better example of the stylization and conspicuous non-realism of the ghazal world. Take note, all you 'natural-poetry' fans. Of course, it might be said that it's not necessary to take the imagery quite so literally. But if it's not taken literally, what's left of the verse? Only a general notion: 'Last night I was miserable and cried myself to sleep'. And how exciting is that?
In the second line, SRF tells us that basar le jānā is equivalent to basar karnā . And I thank Zahra Sabri for her good research, which has established that basar karnā can mean 'to uphold, maintain, sustain'. (It's apparently based on the Persian bah sar .)
Might there be a little extra bit of sound-effects wordplay, since baṣar means 'eye'?