


ai abr-e ḳhushk-maġhz samundar kā muñh nah dekh
ser-āb tere hone kā kāfī hai chashm-e tar

1) oh foolish/'dry-brained' cloud, don't look at the face/mouth of the ocean
2) for your being water-satiated, a wet eye is enough



ser-āb : 'Full of water, saturated; moist, succulent; satisfied with drink; satisfied; —fresh, blooming; fertile, rich'. (Platts p.711)

S. R. Faruqi:

ḳhushk-maġhz = foolish

The theme is shopworn, but in addressing the cloud there's a praiseworthy dignity and self-confidence.

Then, in saying 'dry-brained' he has accomplished two tasks. The idiomatic meaning is appropriate, that the cloud is so foolish that it wants to take water from the ocean, not from my wet eyes. And the dictionary meaning too is correct, that because of heat the cloud's brain has dried out, and it is seeking moisture.

[See also {12,6}.]



Why shouldn't the cloud think of drawing up water from the ocean? Superficially, it might seem that this verse is a complete sneer at the cloud: a 'dry-brained' little twit like the cloud shouldn't even dream of approaching the mighty, turbulent ocean; for such a wimpy cloud the mere amount of water in a 'wet eye' is quite sufficient.

But in the ghazal world, it's entirely normal for worldly logic to be inverted: the 'wet eye' may actually have such a supply of tears that it can provide more water than the ocean; or else the eye's own wetness is of a superior order that can more effectively water-satiate the cloud. Maybe the speaker is offering a friendly warning: 'You won't find what you need in the ocean, oh cloud, you'll find it right here!' For further evidence, see



-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --