


jhūṭe bhī pūchhte nahīñ ṭuk ḥāl ān kar
an-jān itne kyūñ huʾe jāte ho jān kar

1) even falsely, you don't inquire the least bit about my situation; having come/coquetted
2) why do you go on becoming so unknowing-- knowingly?



ān : 'Course, way, manner, mode...; natural disposition or temperament; habit, peculiarity; way or manner of a belle or a coquette, gracefulness, grace, elegance, charm, blandishment (= adaa ); affectation; bashfulness, modesty; conceit, pride; will, pleasure, wish; rank, dignity, respectability, reputation, character; proper spirit, self-respect'. (Platts p.84)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction. Though indeed, the wordplay of ān , jān , an-jān is fine.



In the first line, ān can be an archaic form of ā , from ānā, 'to come' ('You don't come and inquire'). This is the meaning unanimously endorsed by our poetry group (Apr. 2022), and it of course works very well. But since ān is a synonym of adā (see the definition above), and since adā karnā can mean 'To coquet' (Platts p.31), a similar case can surely be made for ān karnā as well ('You don't coquettishly inquire'). The context (accusing the beloved of indifference) of course works well with either reading.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --