


āʾī ṣadā kih yād karo daur-e raftah ko
ʿibrat bhī hai ẓarūr ṭuk ai jamʿa-e tez-hosh

1) a voice/call came, 'Remember the passed-away age--
2) it is certainly even/also a bit of an admonition, oh sharp-minded group!'



ʿibrat : 'Admonition, warning, example'. (Platts p.758)


ṭuk : 'A little; a little while'. (Platts p.357)

S. R. Faruqi:

[See his discussion in {239,7}, which includes this verse.]



This is the second of five verses of a verse-set that continues through {239,11}. For a full discussion see the first verse, {239,7}.

As SRF notes, we can't tell whose voice it is; it could even be the inner thoughts of the drinker who speaks in the previous verse. If so, it might even count as one of the 'trifling, time-wasting' activities referred to in the previous verse. But the voice itself obviously imagines itself as addressing a public, and has a certain didactic pretentiousness.

Then, the ṭuk could literally mean 'a little', in which case it could be part of the process of wheedling the hearers into paying attention (to heed 'a little' or 'a bit' of a moral lesson). But Mir also uses it the way later poets use zarā , to mark a polite request or mild plea; it then acts as a form of minimization: 'just' do this small thing, please. In either case, the voice is clearly wheedling the 'sharp-minded' group. But of course, the tone could also be sarcastic, in which case the extravagant courtesy and flattery would heighten the sarcasm.

In any case, by now we readers in the 'sharp-minded group' are definitely curious to learn more.


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