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sair karnā : 'To take the air, to stroll, ramble, perambulate; to take amusement, to enjoy sights, to view or contemplate a beautiful landscape; to make an excursion, &c.'. (Platts p.711)
jażb : 'Drawing, attraction; allurement; absorption'. (Platts p.378)
TERMSAnother pleasure of kar sair is its evocation of a leisurely stroll, a relaxing promenade, a sort of pleasure tour. The addressee is invited to enjoy the 'attraction/absorption of love' at his/her ease, with great casualness-- and yet what the verse offers is an encounter with the exact opposite emotional tone, a scene based on a jolt of sudden, wild, helpless pain.
Note for translation fans: In toṛā thā we have another example of the non-correspondence of the apparently parallel perfect tense forms between Urdu and English. In English, to convey an instant response we'd say 'X happened, Y happened'. If we said 'X had happened, Y happened' then the clear implication would be that X was at least somewhat in the past at the time when Y happened. Whereas the whole point in this verse is that the breaking off of the rose-branch evoked an instantaneous response.