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ḳharābī : 'Ruin, destruction, desolation; badness, corruption, depravity; noxiousness, ill, evil, mischief, perdition; misery, trouble, affliction; difficulty, perplexity'. (Platts p.488)
TERMS == INSHA'IYAH; PROOF; UNDERSTATEMENTThose who go 'from door to door' are usually beggars or religious mendicants, and madmen often end up in one or the other group. The Messenger too, if he has become (like) a lover, might fall into such behavior-- because he's too distraught to find the beloved's house, or even to look for it efficiently.
Such a wanderer, who moves from door to door among houses belonging to other people (and from which he will often be turned away), is indeed in a complex state of 'ruin' or 'desolation'-- for ḳharābī itself is often applied to a devastated area in which houses have been wrecked. (Think of ḳharābāt , 'ruins, desolate places'.) The speaker thus shows the lover's usual talent for combining in his destiny the worst of several worlds.