


is just-jū meñ aur ḳharābī to kyā kaheñ
itnī nahīñ huʾī hai ṣabā dar bah dar kih ham

1) in this search, what more wretchedness/ruinedness would/could we speak about?!
2) the breeze hasn't been as much from door to door, as we [have been]



ḳharābī : 'Ruin, destruction, desolation; badness, corruption, depravity; noxiousness, ill, evil, mischief, perdition; misery, trouble, affliction; difficulty, perplexity'. (Platts p.488)

S. R. Faruqi:

This verse too is a high-order example of understatement. The insha'iyah style has bestowed on it a fine confirmation. By saying aur ḳharābī to kyā kaheñ , he has said everything-- and then has presented one more example of wretchedness, the door-to-door wandering of the breeze.

Since the breeze also does for the lover the work of a Messenger, he has provided further 'proof' of the door-to-door wandering of the breeze-- for the beloved's address after all is not known; the Messenger wanders from door to door in search of her, so that he would find her and the message would be delivered.

In Sauda's verse, none of these ideas are present:

saudā nah kahte the kih kisī ko to dil nah de
rusvā huʾā phire hai to ab dar bah dar kih ham

[Sauda, didn't we tell you not to give your heart to anyone?
is it you who now wanders in disgrace, or we?]

In Mir's theme it's also a fine aspect that he's taken the breeze to be a vagabond going from door to door. Since one task of the breeze is also to convey letters addressed to the beloved, in this going from door to door there's also the implication that the breeze wanders around in search of the beloved, bewildered and agitated, and does not meet with the beloved.

[See also {693,9}.]



Those who go 'from door to door' are usually beggars or religious mendicants, and madmen often end up in one or the other group. The Messenger too, if he has become (like) a lover, might fall into such behavior-- because he's too distraught to find the beloved's house, or even to look for it efficiently.

Such a wanderer, who moves from door to door among houses belonging to other people (and from which he will often be turned away), is indeed in a complex state of 'ruin' or 'desolation'-- for ḳharābī itself is often applied to a devastated area in which houses have been wrecked. (Think of ḳharābāt , 'ruins, desolate places'.) The speaker thus shows the lover's usual talent for combining in his destiny the worst of several worlds.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --