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zār : 'Groan, plaint, lamentation, wailing... ; desire, wish; collection, multitude, crowd; (as a suffix) place where anything grows in abundance, place, bed, garden ... —adj. Groaning, lamenting, afflicted; thin, lean, weak'. (Platts p.614)
lut̤f : 'Delicacy; refinement; elegance, grace, beauty; the beauty or best (of a thing); taste; pleasantness; gratification, pleasure, enjoyment; —piquancy, point, wit; —courtesy, kindness, benignity, grace, favour, graciousness, generosity, benevolence, gentleness, amenity'. (Platts p.957)
TERMS == IMPLICATION; UNDERSTATEMENTPart of the feeling of abstraction or detachment of which SRF speaks is surely created by the double negative structure of the second line: 'is not devoid of' after all means 'does not not-have'. It's a pedantic formulation; it's circuitous; it's the kind of thing no one would ever say under the influence of haste or emotion. Thus it guarantees an effect of what SRF describes as 'dignity' or 'tranquility' and an absence of 'self-pity'. The result is that this verse is a rare example in which the question of 'tone' can be grounded in an actual, objectively dectable feature of the verse. For more on problems of tone, see {724,2}.
The word lut̤f (see the definition above) also opens the possibility that the speaker may find the streams of blood not only 'beautiful' or 'elegant', but actively 'pleasurable' and 'enjoyable'. Who is enjoying this sight? It seems most probably to be the 'slain' lover himself, since it's hard to think of anyone else who would have such a morbid sensibility as to regard a dusty, bloody corpse with esthetic satisfaction. Does the fact that the corpse is his own, make the morbidness less?
Note for translation fans: That little word lut̤f is one of the banes of my existence. In his commentary SRF constantly says lut̤f yih hai kih and then goes on to point out some excellence in the verse. I generally translate that as 'the pleasure is that', since the feature that he points out is always (meant to be) enjoyable to the reader. But lut̤f could also be 'subtlety/refinement', since the feature is usually subtle as well. Or it could be sometimes one and sometimes the other. I can only make my best guess in each situation.