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muft : 'Gratuitous; acquired without cost or labour; given away without return or benefit; gratuitously, gratis, without payment, for nothing; —in vain, unprofitably, uselessly'. (Platts p.1052)
TERMS == 'AFFAIR-EVOCATION'; 'MEANING-CREATION'SRF ends his comments by ascribing to the verse a set of very strong qualities of style: Mir has created the verse 'in his own style',
jis meñ roz-marrah zindagī aur ʿāshiq kī be-sar-o-sāmānī lekin gharelū-pan aur ʿishq kī māyūsī par ḳhvush t̤abaʿī ke andāz meñ ray-zanī baṛī ḳhūbī se bayān ho gaʾī hai .
I just can't manage to find all those elaborate qualities of style inherent in the very structure of the verse itself. Of course, if SRF tells us to read the verse in that tone it works very well; perhaps it's the most poetically effective tone one could find. But is it the only one? Surely other tones are also possible. (For example, what if instead of speaking in a witty or jesting tone, the lover is speaking in bitterness and despair?) This question of a single specific 'built-in' tone is an ongoing focus for my own thinking; for further discussion see {724,2}.