


nah tang kar use ai fikr-e rozgār kih maiñ
dil us se dam ke liye mustaʿār lāyā hūñ

1) don't oppress/'narrow' it, oh thought/anxiety of livelihood/time, for I
2) have borrowed from her and brought, for a breath/moment, the heart



tang karnā : 'To contract, straiten, narrow, tighten; to distress, vex, worry, harass; to put pressure upon, to compel, to oppress'. (Platts p.340)


rozgār : 'Service, employ, situation, business; earning, livelihood; —the world; fortune; age, time, season'. (Platts p.605)

S. R. Faruqi:

The theme is that he has, for a little while, taken back the heart from the beloved. Perhaps the reason for asking for the heart back is so that there can be the strength to endure the thoughts/anxieties and difficulties of the age ( dil karnā and dil honā mean 'to have courage/spirit').

An additional pleasure is that probably the purpose for which he has brought back the heart-- that too is not being fulfilled, because the thought/anxiety of livelihood/time is 'narrowing' the heart. That is, the heart is so weak ( be-dil ) that through the thought/anxiety of livelihood/time it becomes 'narrow', it no longer has the energy/endurance for confrontation.

Then, the zila that dil and dam mean 'breath', and dam means 'blood', is fine.



Then, dam ke liye -- the center of the verse-- can also mean 'in order to breathe, in order to stay alive'. But the heart is a borrowed item, so it's necessary to take extra care not to damage it. It mustn't be harassed by trifling anxieties like that of mere 'livelihood'.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --