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binā : 'Building, structure, edifice; foundation, basis, base; ground, footing, motive; root, source, origin; beginning, commencement'. (Platts p.168)
TERMS == AMBIGUITY; IDIOMHow translatable the mood feels-- 'Just you wait-- you'll see what I do to you!' We've got it in English, exactly. So many ever-changing idiomatic possibilities occur for the content of the threat: 'I'll fix your wagon!', or 'I'll tan your hide!', or 'I'll rip your throat out!', or 'I'll make you sorry you were ever born!', or whatever is the latest. The imperative of 'Just you wait and see!' is a threat, but also cunningly masks a plea: 'Wait, just stay for a little while, don't go yet!'.
The note of wit or humor that SRF mentions has to loom very large in our enjoyment of the verse. A verse of such 'grandiosity' (a category I've invented, just for fun) has to be meant humorously, if it's not to be hopelessly bombastic. To issue dire threats to the 'ground of existence' is surely the height of absurdity: not only is the puny, mortal little speaker guaranteed to be unable to carry them out, but even if he could, the effect would be to saw off the very tree-branch he's sitting on. (Where would he be without the 'ground of existence'?)
The humorous effect is there no matter how we interpret binā-e hastī , and no matter how we interpret ḳharāb , because it rests on the immensity of the contrast between the threatener and the threatened. It reminds me of the proverb kahāñ rājā bhoj kahāñ gañgū telī -- only more so.
But at the same time, if you prefer, there's always the 'radical madman' option. The lover is crazed, and his wild threats are a sign of his (perhaps culpable, but perhaps also praiseworthy) madness. Who can fail to admire Don Quixote as he gallantly tilts at the windmills, or the solitary champion who challenges an army and goes forth to certain death? Moreover, the mad lover may also be a secret Sufistic superhero-- it's even possible that he actually does have something like the power that he claims. Perhaps the 'ground of existence' should try being a little nicer to him, just to be on the safe side.