


din gużartā hai mujhe fikr hī meñ tā kyā ho
rāt jātī hai usī ġham meñ kih fardā kyā ho

1) the day passes, for me, in only/emphatically the thought/anxiety about what might/would be
2) the night goes in only/emphatically that grief-- that, tomorrow what might/would be?!



: 'To, until, as far as; as long as, whilst; even to; in order (that), to the end (that); in such a manner (that)'. (Platts p.303)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction, but it's not entirely devoid of excellence. In the second line fardā kyā ho has several meanings: (1) What will happen tomorrow ? (2) What will the coming morrow be like? (3) The dawn after this night-- for heavens sake, as if it will be! (That is, it will not be.)



The second line offers a brilliant deployment of the 'kya effect', in the form of fardā kyā ho . If we take fardā as a noun, we have at least three possibilities:

=What would/might tomorrow be? (a question)
=How would/might tomorrow be! (an exclamation of amazement or anxiety)
=As if there would/might be a tomorrow! (an exclamation of indignant rejection)

And then, if we take fardā as adverbial:

=Tomorrow, what would/might be?
=Tomorrow, what would/might happen!

Taken all together, a fine set of interlocked anxieties!


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --