


kyā muvāfiq ho davā ʿishq ke bīmār ke sāth
jī hī jāte naz̤ar āʾe haiñ us āzār ke sāth

1) how would medicine be suitable/favorable, with one sick from passion?
2) only/emphatically lives have been seen going, with that sickness



muvāfiq : 'Conformable, consonant, congruous, agreeing, according, concordant, suiting, suitable; apt, expedient; like, similar, analogous; prosperous, favourable, propitious'. (Platts p.1085)


āzār : 'Sickness, disorder, disease, infirmity; trouble, affliction; injury, outrage'. (Platts p.45)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction. This theme Mir has used in a much better style in the first divan itself, like this [{560,1}]:

jin jin ko thā yih ʿishq kā āzār mar gaʾe
akṡar hamāre sāth ke bīmār mar gaʾe

[all those who had this sickness of passion, died
most of those who were sick along with us, died]

Nevertheless, in the present verse the phrase jī hī jāte naz̤ar āʾe haiñ is fine, because in it the continuingness is clear.



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --