


āyā hai abr jab kā qible se tīrā tīrā
mastī kī żauq meñ haiñ āñkheñ bahut sī ḳhīrā

1) the latest cloud has come from the Qiblah, very dark--
2) in the relish for/of intoxication, many eyes are stupefied/'dark'



tīrah : 'Obscure, dark, black'. (Platts p.351)


qiblah : 'Anything opposite;—that part to which Muslims turn their faces when at prayer; the temple of the Kaʻba in Mecca; Mecca;—an altar, a temple; an object of veneration or reverence'. (Platts p.788)


ḳhīrah : 'Obscure, dark... ; vain; head-strong, froward; —dazzled; stupefied; astonished, confounded'. (Platts p.498)

S. R. Faruqi:

jab kā = latest

Like ghazals {60} and {84}, this ghazal too should have been in the refrain of h , because in the opening-verse both words end with h . But since in all the manuscripts the rhyme words have been written with alif and the ghazal has been placed in the refrain alif , I have done likewise.

A cloud that is very heavy is called an abr-e qiblah . Because of this affinity Mir has assumed that this cloud has come from the direction of the Qiblah. By the jab kā , meaning 'latest', is meant the cloud after which no cloud has come-- that is, the cloud that is now spread out over the sky. For the result of the cloud's darkness to emerge as the eyes' becoming stupefied/'dark', is enjoyable.

An additional pleasure is that the cloud has come from the house of the Ka'bah, but its effect is that a relish for wine-drinking has been created-- and that relish is also so powerful that that the eyes are becoming stupefied. In a state of intoxication the eyes become closed; this same state comes about through stupefaction. Thus to call eyes that are closed in the relish of an intoxication that is yet to come, 'stupefied eyes', is very fine.

There's also an affinity between 'black' and 'intoxication', because a person who's extremely drunk is called 'black-drunk' [siyah mast].

[Further thoughts (2015): Although there is, in absolute terms, very little rain in Mecca, yet when it does rain it often creates a flash flood. Hence abr-e kaʿbah , which the poet here has changed into abr-e qiblah —same difference, but contrary to idiom-- and which means 'a dense, black, rain-filled cloud'.]



Cloudy days evoke the monsoon season, the romantic and sensuous time in South Asian literature. Dark clouds, in particular, are thus considered to be suggestive incitements to wine-drinking, as well as to other sensory pleasures.

Thanks to the versatility of the , the relish could be either 'for' a future intoxication, or 'of' a present intoxication that is enhanced by the dizzying, entrancing darkness and depth of the clouds.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --