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kyā ʿishq-e ḳhānah-soz ke dil meñ chhupī hai āg
ik sāre tan-badan meñ mire phuk rahī hai āg
1a) what a fire is hidden in the heart of house-burning passion!
1b) as if the fire in the heart of house-burning passion is hidden!
1c) is there fire hidden in the heart of house-burning passion?
2) in my whole body, a single/particular/unique/excellent fire is being blown into flame
phuknā : 'To be blown, be inflated; to be blown up (a fire), be blown into a flame; to be set fire to, be burnt; to burn, be consumed'. (Platts p.287)
TERMS == IMPLICATIONHere SRF's three readings of the first line correspond to those of what I call the 'kya effect', and he has associated them clearly with 'meaning-creation'. I am always delighted to see my simple little no-name devices reconstructed afresh in their full glory. One more device, which might be called the 'ek effect', SRF doesn't mention, though it's conspicuously present in all three of the Urdu verses he discusses here.
It seems that something in the first line is being called into question. But what exactly? Here are some possibilities, as we rearrange the line with different stresses:
=Is there a fire in the heart of passion at all?
=Is the fire that is in the heart of passion, hidden in any way?
=Is the fire that is in passion, hidden in its heart?By no coincidence, the second line works elegantly, through different possible emphases, with all three of these possibilities.
As SRF also mentions, if passion is 'house-burning' then the house could be the usual metaphorical one (that is, passion lays waste to all the 'normal' parts of the lover's life), but it could also mean that passion burns its own house-- first the heart, then the whole body that harbors it. I've read about something like this as applied to diseases: the disease that quickly kills its host will doom itself as well, and will soon die out. Over time, diseases thus evolve into more sustainable, chronic, non-fatal forms. Perhaps the same has happened, over time, to passion?