


sar-gużisht-e ʿishq kī tah ko nah pahuñchā yāñ koʾī
garchih pesh-e dostāñ yih dāstāñ maiñ le gayā

1) no one arrived at the profundity/depth of the circumstances/story of passion, here
2) although I brought/conveyed this story/dastan before my friends



sar-gużisht : 'Event, accident, adventure; transaction; story, history, narrative, account of circumstances'. (Platts p.648)


tah : 'Ground; site; floor; surface; bottom, underneath; foundation; depth; layer, stratum; fold, plait, ply; — real meaning or intent; hidden meaning; depth of meaning, profundity, subtleness; allusion, insinuation'. (Platts p.345)


dāstān : 'A story, fable, tale; history; — fame, notoriety'. (Platts p.501)


le jānā : 'To go away with, to take away; to carry, convey (to); ... to carry off or away, bear off; to run away with; to win; to conquer, master'. (Platts p.973)

S. R. Faruqi:

In addition to the harmony [tajnīs] of dostāñ and dāstāñ , there's also the point that if not from Others, at least from friends there was the hope that they would arrive at the depths of the dastan of passion; but they too didn't manage to understand it.

Since he hasn't made it clear whose passion the dastan is about (it's possible that it might not be the dastan of anybody's passion, but rather it might be the abstract dastan of passion itself), he has created in the verse a high order of eloquence [balāġhat]. Because in this way passion has not remained limited, but rather in the universality there's also the pleasure that at least the speaker himself was acquainted with the secrets and mysteries of passion.



The interplay between sar-gużisht and dāstān is a real pleasure in itself. Their domains partly overlap (see the definitions above) but are partly different, with the former suggesting a real-world account and the latter skewed toward imagination, magic, 'story-telling' in the classic sense. So it's left up to us to decide whether the two words are to be taken as references to the same narrative, or to two different ones.

And then, where exactly is 'here'? In the particular gathering to which the speaker 'brought' the dastan? Among friends generally? Among lovers generally? In this world?

The sound effects of dostāñ yih dāstāñ really do energize the verse most surprisingly and enjoyably. They have nothing at all to do with the sense of the verse, but there they are. A kind of double whammy.

Note for meter fans: The collapse of pahuñchā into long-long really feels as if it's pushing the limits of the permissible, doesn't it? Yet it seems to be the normal thing for the perfect forms of that verb.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --