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naqsh kisū kā darūn-e sīnah garm t̤alab haiñ vaise rang
jaisī ḳhayālī pās liye taṣvīr chitere phirte haiñ
1) an image/painting/shape of someone, within the breast, hot/warm-- we are seeking colors in such a way
the way that, taking with them an imaginary picture, painters roam/wander around
naqsh : 'Painting; colouring; drawing; designing, &c.; —delineation ... ; —a painting, a picture; portrait; drawing; a print; a carving, an engraving; a map, or plan...; a design; —an impression; a stamp; a mark'. (Platts p.1145)
t̤alab : 'Search, quest; wish, desire; inquiry, request, demand, application, solicitation; sending for, summons; an object of quest, or of desire; ... Seeking, requiring, desiring'. (Platts p.753)
vaise : 'In that manner, &c. ... ; —uselessly, in vain, to no purpose; —for no special reason, with no particular object; without just ground or cause, causelessly, gratuitously'. (Platts p.1209)
phirnā : 'To turn, go round, revolve, whirl; to circulate; to turn back, to return; to walk, walk about, walk to and fro; to wander, rove, ramble, stroll; to travel'. (Platts p.286)
TERMS == AMBIGUITY'Ambiguity' is the word, all right. Just look at how multivalent the first line is:
= naqsh kisū kā -- This can, as SRF observes, refer to the speaker's beautiful beloved (to whom he is coyly alluding), or to some unknown or imagined vision (of which he is in search).
= darūn-e sīnah -- Is the image there, or is the search occurring there?
= garm -- Is the image 'hot' (the reading SRF ultimately prefers), or is the search 'hot' (in which case we'd read garm-e t̤alab ), or are the colors 'hot'?
= t̤alab haiñ -- Are 'we' doing the searching, or are the 'colors' doing the searching?
= vaise -- Does it mean 'in such a way' (to go with jaise , 'in the way that', in the second line)? Does it mean 'such' colors (the ones painters go around carrying)? Or does it mean 'uselessly, vainly, casually, causelessly' (see the definition above)?
= rang -- Are the 'colors' the objects of search, or the searchers?
The degree of do-it-yourself assembly required to read the verse is admirable (though the resulting meanings are not different enough or exciting enough to make the whole process truly thrilling). Compare the almost equally multivalent previous verse, {1177,4}.
In the second line, the prose word order would be jaise chitere ḳhayālī taṣvīr pās liye phirte haiñ . What's not clear is how or why the painters roam or wander around with their imaginary pictures. The many possibilities of phirnā (see the definition above) help to keep the question open. Does their roaming have some special connection with the imaginary pictures (are they searching for suitable 'colors'?), or do they just go about their everyday business (while always keeping the imaginary pictures in the back of their mind)?
Note for meter fans: SRF points out that in this 'Hindi meter', naqsh kisū kā darūn-e sīnah can be scanned in two ways:
(1) NAQ-sh ki-SUU KAA da-RUU-ne SII-NAH -- that is, = - - / = = / - = - / = =
(2) NAQ-sh ki-SUU kaa da-RUU-NE-SII-NAH -- that is, = - - / = - - / = = / = =
I can't see why this constitutes any special merit or interest in the verse, since many verses in this meter have variant possibilities of scansion. The reason he mentions it is perhaps because (1) creates in its third foot an unusual, deviant-feeling pattern that gives an effect of extra syncopation.