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kahānā : 'To be called or named or designated, to be dubbed; to be said to be'. (Platts p.868)
miyāñ : 'An address expressive of kindness, or respect; Sir! good Sir! good man; master'. (Platts p.1103)
dīdanī : 'To be seen, visible; fit or worthy to be seen'. (Platts p.556)
naz̤ar ānā : 'To come in sight or view, to appear'. (Platts p.1143)
TERMS == PEN-NAMEAs a tourist attraction, 'Mir' seems like a dubious bet: he's enticing, but then he won't deliver. On the other hand, perhaps a publicity industry could grow up around him; the speaker might even be part of it. Think of the ongoing fame of the Loch Ness monster. Like the Loch Ness monster, 'Mir' is widely famous (he is spoken of 'in cities and countries'); but not much is known about him, so that he remains hardly more than a pen-name-- he is 'the one who is called 'Mir''. Similarly, 'Nessie' remains famous without even needing to exist.
The second line also invites us to juxtapose dīdanī and naz̤ar ānā (see the definitions above). Are they independent, or might they be connected? Perhaps (part of) the reason 'Mir' is worth seeing is that he's so rarely seen (the way bird-watchers are always eager to spot a new and exotic species). Or perhaps his being rarely seen is evidence of the quality that makes him worth seeing (since his unavailability reinforces the romantically anti-social image of the mad poet, the mad lover, the mad mystic).
The repetition of miyāñ is of course required in an opening-verse, but Mir makes such clever use of it! It gives the sense of a carnival barker trying to impress a passer-by. Nobody would say 'sir' so often in any normal conversation; the effect is one of pompous hyper-formality, an exaggerated show of dignity in the speaker and respect for the listener. The tone could indeed mark the speaker as a promoter of some kind, talking up the virtues of a prime exhibit.