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sarā : 'House, mansion, palace; temporary home for travellers, caravansary, inn'. (Platts p.650)
jāgah is a variant of jagah , with a conveniently different scansion of course
TERMS == AMBIGUITY; INCORPORATION; 'TUMULT-AROUSING'This verse is the kind I call a 'fill-in'. It sets up an urgent and ominous situation, but the exact nature of the situation is left up to each of us to imagine. If this sarai is not a place in which 'to sleep' (in particular), might it be a place of nightmares or sinister dreams? Or if it's not a place in which to stay overnight, might terrible things happen during the night? Or if it's just not a place to stay in (more generally), it might threaten the visitor with any number of vexations or dangers.
The listeners are warned, they are alerted-- and all the more alarmingly because the speaker is plainly washing his hands of them, he's putting the whole responsibility on them. 'Well, take heed, I've warned you!' he says sternly. It's easy to imagine his self-justification after some (inevitable?) bad thing happens-- 'Well, I warned them; if they didn't take heed, it's not my fault!'
All the vividness and tension, the 'dramaticness', of such a warning-- our own imaginations have no trouble filling in any number of possibilities. And worst of all are the ominous overtones. We have to sleep, after all-- how long can we 'stay awake'? How, and how long, can we be vigiliant against unknown dangers? And will it appear to be our own fault, if something terrible happens to us? Will no one come to help? Fear is cruel, but oh, the cruelty of uncertainty and suspense!