


ai kāsh mire sar par ik bār vuh ā jātā
ṭhahrāʾo sā ho jātā yūñ jī nah chalā jātā

1) oh if only she had, one time, come before me!
2) there would have been something like a settlement/stability/pause/halt; the inner-self would not {casually / 'like this'} have gone away



ṭhahrāʾo : 'Fixture; settlement, agreement; appropriation; proof, conclusion; determination, decision; stability, permanence, durability; cessation, pause, rest, stop, halt'. (Platts p.365)

S. R. Faruqi:

sar par ā jānā = to come before

The opening-verse is by way of introduction. But it's interesting that Mir has always used sar par ā jānā in a good sense. Thus in the next ghazal there's another verse [{1319,6}]:

āñkheñ mirī khultīñ to us chahre hī par paṛtīñ
kyā hotā yakāyak vuh sar par mire ā jātā

[if my eyes had opened, then if they would have fallen upon only/emphatically that face!
what would it have been like, if suddenly she had come before me!]



There's also the enjoyably multivalent yūñ , with its two meanings of 'casually, for no particular reason' (that is, if the beloved had come before the speaker, he would have died for that reason, not for no reason at all) and 'like this' (the speaker would have died differently, not the way he is dying now).

And then, would the ṭhahrāʾo have represented-- see the definition above-- a form of 'stability', or a kind of 'settlement' in the form of a truce, or a significant 'halt' in the process of dying, or just a brief 'pause' in the process of dying? As usual, we're left to decide all this for ourselves.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --