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be-kasī : 'Forlorn state, friendlessness, destitution'. (Platts p.203)
akelā : 'Single sole; solitary, lonely; —akelā,akele , adv. Alone, by oneself, singly, unattended, unfriended; apart'. (Platts p.68)
TERMS == DRAMATICNESSShould the ʿishq kī be taken to modify be-kasī ('through the forlornness of passion'), or ātish ('in the fire of passion')? In this verse it doesn't seem to make that much difference. But it's clear that phrases with this kind of unresolvable flexibility (which for want of a better name I call 'midpoints') are a favorite device of Mir's. They create ambiguity without calling attention to themselves.
And in the second line the same 'midpoint' quality appears in akelā too, which can be either an adjective ('I, alone') or 'alone like a lamp on a grave', or an adverb 'always burned alone'). Shades of these various possibilities haunt the second line, and are surely part of the effect of starkness and irrevocability to which SRF points.
For more on misattributed verses of the kind cited by SRF, see {1015,1}.