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kuchh : 'Something, somewhat, anything, aught; some, any; a little, a few; ever so little; whatever; in any manner or degree, at all'. (Platts p.819)
TERMS == HYPERBOLE; IMPLICATION; UNDERSTATEMENTNote for translation fans: On SRF's reading, the kuchh is meant to have a minimizing, almost dismissive tone: 'some little sorrow-causing thing or other'. (And if we don't accept his reading, then what other reading can we find that's so enjoyable?) But it's hard to convey in English, because 'some sorrow had seized him' more readily suggests 'some unknown sorrow' than 'some minor sorrow'. Whereas for kuchh ranj , the dismissive reading ('a certain limited amount of sorrow') is the one that is 'least marked' and more readily available.