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TERMS == AMBIGUITY; UNATTAINABLY SIMPLEThe insha'iyah second line takes maximum advantage of the multivalent possibilities of kyā . Here are some possible readings of the alternative translations:
2a) 'I feel ashamed before Separation, because I have already lost my color to her 'Rival', the beloved, and thus can't offer it up as a tribute for Separation herself to take away.'
2b) 'How eagerly I will show my face to Separation, because I'm already so wretched that half her work has been done for her, (as if) in welcoming anticipation of her arrival.'
2c) 'Since union itself made me so pale and wretched, how could I ever bear to encounter Separation? I'd better just die right now and get it over with!'
2d) 'What do to next-- I'd better think seriously about it, since it's not clear what would be the best course of action.'
And of course, there's a whole slew of other variously intersecting possibilities, many of them spelled out by SRF, including the idea that the lover's pallor results not from misery but from sheer physical exhaustion after wild nights of lovemaking. In any case, the juxtaposition of the lover's pallid face and the question of his 'showing his face' to Separation is a delight, and the real source of energy in the verse.
Since judāʾī is feminine, it comes very naturally to treat Separation as a female figure, and thus potentially a rival to the beloved (since in any case the lover can't experience the company of both of them at the same time). Or Separation could be a handmaiden of the beloved, a kind of warden who governs the lover's behavior when the beloved is not around.
The verse is so short, and the ambiguities so radical, that it's what I call a 'generator', a true multiple-meaning machine.
Note for translation fans: It's such a lucky break that in English too, as in the Urdu muñh dikhānā , the question 'How can I show my face to X?' is an idiomatic way of saying that I am ashamed or embarrassed before X, and X will have the right to reproach me.