


kab se ṡuḥbat bigaṛ rahī hai kyūñ-kar koʾī banāve ab
nāz-o-niyāz kā jhagṛā aisā kis ke kane le jāve ab

1) for how long has companionship/society remained spoiled?!-- how would anyone establish/endure it now?!
2) the struggle/combat between coquetry and supplication/longing is such-- how would it bring [anyone] near to anyone now?!



niyāz : 'Petition, supplication, prayer; —inclination, wish, eager desire, longing; need, necessity; indigence, poverty'. (Platts p.1164)


kane : 'By the side (of, - ke ), near (to), in proximity (to), close (by); to; with, in the possession (of); at; at the house (of)'. (Platts p.857)

S. R. Faruqi:

In the first divan, he has very enjoyably expressed a theme that resembles this one [{450,5}]:

bāham sulūk thā to uṭhāte the narm garm
kāhe ko mīr koʾī dabe jab bigaṛ gaʾī

[when there was mutual courtesy, then we endured the good and the bad,
how, Mir, could anyone be controlled/suppressed, when our companionship became spoiled?]

This one, and verses of this kind, not only widen the circle of ghazal themes, but also bring Mir's poetry near to life, and to the experiences of daily life. At one time Mir expresses sorrow and grief, and the extremest moods of liver-laceratedness; at another time he uses themes based on rakishness and material feelings. At a third time, he says wise and mysterious things; at a fourth time, he speaks of daily matters of love and marriage/domesticity [taʾāhul]. Thus there are countless corners of human thought, experience, emotion, and socialization to which we have access through his poetry.

Then, often and in a majority of places, Mir's expression is complex and his poetics are multi-layered. If we look in the present verse, then for banāve there are two interpretations. One is 'to repair spoiled companionship', and the other is 'to uphold/maintain relations'. For example, falāñ kī falāñ shaḳhṣ se ḳhūb bantī hai .

Then in the second line, by placing the word aisā he has created the implication that not only has the companionship been spoiled for quite some time, as is said in the first line, but also that this is a struggle between coquetry and supplication, and it's a very harsh struggle. If it had been an ordinary struggle, then perhaps it would have been over. Then he says, would such a struggle bring anyone before anyone; that is, outsiders will not understand, and the beloved isn't prepared to even listen to a word.

It's surprising that even with such verses present, people have written about Mir as having a shy/modest temperament, as enduring the extremity of sorrow and still not saying a single word.

Momin has constructed this theme with a commercial and lustful style:

maʿshūq se bhī ham ne nibhāʾī barābarī
vāñ lut̤f kam huʾā to yahāñ pyār kam huʾā

[even with the beloved, we maintained an equality
when there, kindness became less, then here, love became less]



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --