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ḳhumār : 'Intoxication; the effects of intoxication, pain and headache, &c. occasioned by drinking, crapulence, crop-sickness; headache or sickness (arising from want of sleep, &c.); languor'. (Platts p.493)
TERMSThis ghazal is the second of a set of two about which SRF makes special claims for an over-all 'musical' effect; see {1589,1} for his discussion. This verse has been included only in order to provide access to the whole ghazal.
Literally, of course, it's 'heads go away', but here I think the English idiom works excellently. Normally when people are hung over their own heads feel miserable and achy; in her case, it's 'Off with their heads!' for others.
Since we have āj , do we really need ṣubḥ too? It feels a bit like padding.
Note for grammar fans: In the first line, isn't the double pluralization of huʾīñ haiñ striking? It's of course archaic.