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āge us ke furoġh nah thā jaltī thī bujhī sī majlis meñ
tab to log uṭhā lete the shitābī us ke ḥuẓūr se shamʿa
1) before her, there was no illumination/brightness; it [habitually] burned extinguished-ish in the gathering
2) then, people [habitually] lifted quickly and took away from her presence/hall, the candle
furoġh : 'Illumination, light, brightness, splendour; flame; —glory, fame, honour'. (Platts p.780)
ḥuẓūr : 'Presence, attendance; the royal presence; the presence of a superior authority (as a judge, &c.); the person of the monarch or of any high functionary; —the presence chamber, hall of audience, the court; the government; government estate'. (Platts p.478)
TERMS == DRAMATICNESS; HYPERBOLE; NARRATIVITYHere SRF provides a definition of 'narrativity' [maḥākāt]. It's a term he's used several times before. To me it seems to be probably related to 'dramaticness' (though not of course identical). For 'narrativity' he has found an Urdu counterpart word; for 'dramaticness' he hasn't even tried, and the term remains always in transliterated English.