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chakkar mārnā : 'To wheel round, to whirl round, to revolve, to move or fly in a circle; to take a roundabout road'. (Platts p.435)
TERMSPresumably the trickery lies in the verse's injunction to '[make] yourself a madman' [apne taʾīñ dīvānah], though with no proper verb supplied. The sab meñ could be taken as a comparative part of the injunction ('make yourself more conspicuously mad than everybody else'), or else just as a location ('keep going around in public').
Then there's the sense of chakkar mārnā as 'to take a roundabout road' (see the definition above). An element of conscious choice certainly seems to be present in the advice.
But then, perhaps the advice is only something like a handbook for method acting: 'f you want to be a lover, here's how you both acquire and demonstrate your credentials'.