


āg kā lāʾiḥah z̤āhir nahīñ kuchh lekin ham
shamʿa-e taṣvīr se din rāt jalā karte haiñ

1) the radiance/proof of fire is not at all apparent, but we
2) like the candle in a picture, day and night, always burn



lāʾiḥah : 'A shining or flashing thing or object; anything evident; —clearness; —splendour; proof'. (Platts p.948)

S. R. Faruqi:

lāʾiḥah : radiance; proof

He has composed this same theme in a verse in the first divan [{292,2}]:

ʿishq ātish bhī jo deve to nah dam māreñ ham
shamʿa-e taṣvīr haiñ ḳhāmosh jalā karte haiñ

[even if passion would give fire, then we would not breathe
we are the candle in a picture, silently we always burn]

In the first line of {292,2}, the verbosity is great, the meaning little. The second line was so complete/perfect that it would have been difficult to attach a superb first line to it.

The task that he didn't do in his youth, Mir completed in his fifties. Not only did he search out a powerful word like lāʾiḥah , both meanings of which are suitable here, but he also provided a full 'proof' of being the candle in a picture.

Ghalib composed an uncommon verse on this theme, but he only saluted the 'candle in a picture' from afar:




Note for grammar fans: In the second line, se is short for jaise .


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