balā-e jāñ hai ġhālib us kī har bāt
ʿibārat kyā ishārat kyā adā kyā
1) it's a mortal disaster, Ghalib-- her every word/speech/idea
2a) whether speech/expression, or gestures, or style/grace
2b) what speech/expression! what gestures! what style/grace!
2c) what is the speech/expression? what are the gestures? what is the style/grace?
2d) is it the speech/expression? is it the gestures? is it the style/grace?
bāt : 'Speech, language, word, saying, conversation, talk, gossip, report, discourse, news, tale, story, account; thing, affair, matter, business, concern, fact, case, circumstance, occurrence, object, particular, article, proposal, aim, cause, question, subject'. (Platts p.117)
ʿibārat : 'Speech; a word, an expression, a phrase; a passage (in a book or writing); an explanation, interpretation; a word, or an expression, or a phrase for, or denoting (such a thing); diction; style, mode of expression; the construction or structure of sentence, composition; a trope or figure'. (Platts p.758)
ishārat : 'Sign, signal; beck, nod, wink, nudge, gesticulation; pointing to, indication, trace, mark; allusion, hint, clue; insinuation, inuendo; love-glances, ogling; dumb-show'. (Platts p.55)
adā : 'Grace, beauty; elegance; graceful manner on carriage; charm, fascination; blandishment; amorous signs and gestures, coquetry'. (Platts p.31)
The meaning is: Oh Ghalib! every single bāt of hers is deadly, whether it be expression, or gestures, or style. (46)
Her speech, her gestures, her glance-- in short, everything is a mortal disaster; that is, it is heart-stealing. (56)
SPEAKING: {14,4}
What a matchless way to end a ghazal like this one. The verse exclaims that the beloved's every bāt is a life-threatening disaster, one likely to put an end to the lover completely. The word bāt is one of the most common and flexible in the language; the set of 'word/speech/idea' is about as close as I could come to its central meaning; for more about its capabilities, see {59,2}.
In this closing-verse, Ghalib extracts even more ambivalence from the kyā supply that he's been using throughout (see {21,1} for more on this). In the second line, however, he additionally invokes the idiomatic usage kyā yih ho kyā vuh ho , 'whether it be this, or whether it be that' (2a). And he adorns the second line with no fewer than three kyā phrases, all exclaiming at, or questioning, or enumerating, aspects of the beloved's presence.
As so often, we can't tell what the relationship is between the two lines. Do the three wide-ranging qualities enumerated in the second line constitute separate attributes in their own right, or are they presented chiefly as examples of 'her every bāt ', as in (2a)?
In addition to its other virtues, the second line also develops
beautiful sound effects: an absolutely perfect rhythmic flow in which the
semantic units exactly follow the metrical feet, with the end of each foot
corresponding to an occurrence of kyā . For the meter
is: - = = = / - = = = / - = = . Even if you don't know or care much about
Urdu meter, you can feel and admire the effect.
In this verse kyā is a particle of connection. (23)
== Nazm page 23