Ghazal 66, Verse 3


āye ho kal aur āj hī kahte ho kih jāʾūñ
mānā kih hameshah nahīñ achchhā koʾī din aur

1) you've come yesterday and only/emphatically today you say, 'I would go'?!
2) granted that [it will] not [be] forever-- all right, a few days more!



Out of an excess of grief, he has imagined this scene-- as if Arif is still alive, and is about to take his leave. (65)

== Nazm page 65

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, 'How much time has even passed since you came into the world? It's as if you came only yesterday, and today you're saying that you're going. I agree that you won't stay forever, but stay a few days more. Why are you in such a hurry to die?' (114)

Bekhud Mohani:

At the time of Arif's death, or in the turmoil of grief, he has versified the thought that Arif has come, and is taking his leave. Then he says, 'You only came yesterday, and today you leave? Come now, brother-- all right, not forever, stay a few days more.' (147)



For general comments on this most unusual ghazal, see {66,1}.

Any guest who has ever tried to leave the home of a traditional South Asian host knows how difficult it can be. For the host to try hard to detain the guest is very proper, and does credit to both parties. The tone of this verse is entirely colloquial, and thus impossible to capture in English. It's part of that last hospitable conversation as the guest is politely but firmly heading for the door. The 'all right' [achchhā] in the second line represents a show of concession on the host's part. The host has reluctantly granted that the guest will not stay forever-- and on the strength of that concession he both demands 'a few days more', and tries to force the guest to agree by implying that he already has agreed ('all right'), and that 'a few days more' is a compromise they have both accepted.

This host-and-guest conversation between Ghalib and Arif continues in the next verse, {66,4}.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --