Ghazal 66, Verse 4


jaate hu))e kahte ho qiyaamat ko mile;Nge
kyaa ;xuub qiyaamat kaa hai goyaa ko))ii din aur

1) while going, you say, 'we'll meet on Doomsday'
2) that's a good one! as if Doomsday is some other day!



That is, we know that today itself is Doomsday. (66)

== Nazm page 66

Bekhud Mohani:

At the time of taking leave of me, you promise to meet on Doomsday. From your saying this it seems that Doomsday has not come today, but rather will come some other time. That is, for me, the day of your death itself is Doomsday. (147)


How moving is the style of every single verse! In this form of address, how the informality of language and simplicity of expression, with their natural [necharal] effect, penetrate the heart! (150)


DOOMSDAY: {10,11}

For general comments on this most unusual ghazal, see {66,1}.

This is the end of the 'host-guest' conversation that began in {66,3}. It began in cajolery, and now ends in bitterness, sarcasm, and helpless grief.

The secondary meaning of goyaa , 'as if, so to speak', is 'speaking', which pleasurably resonates with 'you say'; for more on this useful double meaning, see {5,1}.

Josh is right about the power of feeling. I can never get through this ghazal without tears in my eyes.