pursish-e t̤arz-e dil-barī kījiye
kyā kih bin kahe
us ke har ek ishāre se nikle hai yih adā kih yūñ
1) what-- would you make inquiry about the style of
heart-stealing?! --when, without saying [it],
2) from her every single gesture emerges this charm/coquetry: 'like this!'
ishārah : 'Sign, signal; beck, nod, wink, nudge, gesticulation; pointing to, indication, trace, mark; allusion, hint, clue; insinuation, inuendo'. (Platts p.55)
nikle hai is a variant form of, here, nikaltī hai (GRAMMAR)
adā : 'Grace, beauty; elegance; graceful manner on carriage; charm, fascination; blandishment; amorous signs and gestures, coquetry'. (Platts p.31)
He says, how would the style of heart-stealing be asked from her? From her every coquetry the gesture is created-- 'Look, it's stolen like this'. (176)
The point is that other beautiful ones are forced to take the trouble and pains of airs and graces in order to steal hearts. But my beloved's every gesture is heart-stealing. (235)
In the previous verse, {116,1}, the beloved's pursed-lips gesture both answered a question about a kiss, and enacted a kiss. Here, her every gesture both answers a question about heart-stealing, and performs the act of heart-stealing. What need has she to answer a question in words, when she can so easily by a gesture-- a gesture which is also an ostensive definition-- convey 'like this'?
The lover is in fact indignantly rejecting the idea that
the question could even be asked. Would it not be vulgar, and a sign of stupidity
or intrusiveness, for someone to even need to ask? The inquirer should just
watch in silence, and learn from a single gesture of hers how heart-stealing
is done by an expert-- and through that same gesture, feel it being done to his
own heart.
What-- would I ask her about the style of steaking a heart, when her every gesture is saying, 'Look, we steal hearts like this'? (124-25)
== Nazm page 124; Nazm page 125