Ghazal 139, Verse 2


tere dil meñ gar nah thā āshob-e ġham kā ḥauṣlah
tū ne phir kyūñ kī thī merī ġham-gusārī hāʾe hāʾe

1) if in your heart there was not the courage/'stomach' for the devastation of grief
2) then why did you assuage/'drink' my grief-- alas!


ḥauṣlah : 'Stomach, maw; crop, craw; (fig.) capacity; desire, ambition; resolution; spirit, courage'. (Platts p.482)


gusār : 'Taking away, removing, dissipating, assuaging; drinking, swallowing'. (Platts p.910)


That is, if only you had remained unfamiliar/unintimate with me, then it would have been better. (149)

== Nazm page 149

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, if in your heart there wasn't the endurance for the harshnesses of grief, then why did you claim to be my consoler? That is, you shouldn't have met with me and remained my friend/intimate like this. (205)

Bekhud Mohani:

The 'alas' tells us that now the beloved's state is so sorrowful that the lover wishes that she had not been kind to him. (271)



For extensive commentary on this whole very unusual ghazal, see {139,1}.

Other than the wordplay noted above, I can't find anything else going on in this verse.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --