Ghazal 139, Verse 3


kyūñ mirī ġham-ḳhvāragī kā tujh ko āyā thā ḳhayāl
dushmanī apnī thī merī dost-dārī hāʾe hāʾe

1) why did it occur to you to console my sorrow?
2) friendship to me was enmity to yourself-- alas!



That is, for the sake of consoling me, you disgraced yourself. Then from the shame of disgrace, you gave up your life. (149)

== Nazm page 149

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, if only you had not become my consoler, and the thought of consoling me hadn't occurred to you! In consoling me, you made yourself publicly disgraced, and as a result you gave up your life in the anxiety of disgrace. (205)

Bekhud Mohani:

Alas, to become a friend to me was to become an enemy to yourself! That is, if you had not been kind to me, then you wouldn't be in this state. (272)



For extensive commentary on this whole very unusual ghazal, see {139,1}.

Other than the friend/enemy wordplay, not much is going on. Nazm and Bekhud Dihlavi are convinced that the beloved has killed herself, or else died of disgrace; this claim is presumably based on {139,7}.


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