ʿumr bhar kā tū ne paimān-e vafā
bāñdhā to kyā
ʿumr ko bhī to nahīñ hai pāʾidārī hāʾe hāʾe
1) if you made a promise of life-long faithfulness,
then so what?
2) not even a lifetime has stability-- alas!
He says, even if you promised to keep meeting with me faithfully for a whole lifetime, then so what? Your lifetime itself was not faithful to you, and you were forced to depart from the world, leaving me writhing [in grief]. (205)
If you promised to be faithful for a whole lifetime, then what's the good? Life itself is unfaithful. (272)
For extensive commentary on this whole very unusual ghazal, see {139,1}.
I can't think of anything to add to what the commentators
have said.
Although you promised to uphold it for a lifetime, your life did not show faithfulness. (149)
== Nazm page 149