Ghazal 139, Verse 6


gul-fishānīhā-e nāz-e jalvah ko kyā ho gayā
ḳhāk par hotī hai terī lālah-kārī hāʾe hāʾe

1) what became of the rose-scatterings of the coquetry of glory/appearance?
2) on your dust is the [red] tulip-work-- alas!


kārī : 'Making, doing, performing, causing; —maker, doer, performer, agent, cause, &c.' (Platts p.800)


Once [yā to], at the time of glory-radiating, you used to produce/offer flowers of coquetry and style; while now [yā ab] rose-performing is taking place on the tablet of the tomb. (149)

== Nazm page 149

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, at the time of your glory-radiating, those flowers of coquetry and style that you used to produce/offer-- what became of them? Then [yā to] was that time; now [yā ab] this is a time when flowers have been placed on your grave. (206)

Bekhud Mohani:

Alas, that rose-scattering of coquetry did not remain. That is, neither you nor your coquetries remained, in which there was an extraordinary spring/flourishing. Now flowers are blooming on your grave. (272)


JALVAH: {7,4}

For extensive commentary on this whole very unusual ghazal, see {139,1}.

A bit of wordplay involving dust and rose-scattering, with flowers now growing on her grave like red tulip-work (a kind of embroidery).


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