Ghazal 139, Verse 9


hāth hī teġh-āzmā kā kām se jātā rahā
dil pah ik lagne nah pāyā zaḳhm-e kārī hāʾe hāʾe

1) the sword-wielder's hand itself gradually became useless
2) not even a single effective/mortal wound managed to fall on the heart-- alas!



That is, I longed for you to kill me with a sword, and that longing was not fulfilled. Here, the longing to sustain a wound does not have its literal meaning, but rather is by way of lamentation. (149)

== Nazm page 149

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, it's a cause for sorrow, that the powerful hand became useless. I had longed for a wound to my heart from a sword-blow by that hand; that longing of mine was not able to be fulfilled. The heart's longing to sustain a wound remained within the heart itself. The meaning is that I was not able to experience your coquetry and style to the extent that I desired. (206)

Bekhud Mohani:

Alas, the heart had still not yet been able to receive any deep wound, when when the sword-wielder's hand drooped. That is, we had not been able to experience the pleasure of love, when the beloved passed away; ee hadn't been able to know the enjoyment of coquetry and style, when the beloved departed. It's not a verse, it's a picture of longing. (273)


SWORD: {1,3}

For extensive commentary on this whole very unusual ghazal, see {139,1}.

Bekhud sums it up perfectly: 'it's not a verse, it's a picture of longing'. He means this as a supreme compliment, along 'natural poetry' lines.


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