Ghazal 192, Verse 2


jalve kā tere vuh ʿālam hai kih gar kīje ḳhayāl
dīdah-e dil ko ziyārat-gāh-e ḥairānī kare

1) that state/world of your glory/appearance is such, that if thought would be given
2) it would make the eye/sight of the heart a shrine/'pilgrimage-place' of amazement


kīje is an archaic form of kiyā jāʾe (GRAMMAR)


dīdah : 'The eye; the sight; a wanton, or impudent eye; (met.) impudence'. (Platts p.556)


That is, from the thought of your glory/appearance, amazement comes over the heart. (216)

== Nazm page 216

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, the state/world of your glory/appearance is such that if even a thought of it would come, then amazement would come over the eye of the heart. (275)

Bekhud Mohani:

The subtlety of the meaning is that when merely from thinking of the glory/appearance amazement overpowers one, from that it ought to be guessed what your glory/appearance and you yourself must be like. (378)


EYES {3,1}
JALVAH: {7,4}

Something in the first line has powerfully 'amazing' effects (on the nature of ḥairat see {51,9x}). It is something grammatically singular. But is it the 'state/world' [ʿālam], the 'glory/appearance' [jalvah], or the 'thought' [ḳhayāl]? Any of the three would work well, with intriguingly different implications; the latter is particularly Ghalibian in its metaphysicalness.

In the case of the latter (the 'thought'), since kīje is an archaic form of the passive, we have no indication who might be doing the thinking. If it's the beloved, to whom the verse is addressed, then because of her irresistible power and beauty every 'thought' from her is efficacious, like a royal command: if she would actually deign to devote a passing thought to the lover, the effect would be so transforming as to turn the gaze or 'eye' of the lover's heart into a reverently visited shrine-- because of its matchless good fortune, it would become the wonder and amazement of the age, and other lovers would make pilgrimages there.

But what are the odds that the beloved would vouchsafe to him such a magnificent favor? More probably, it's the lover himself by whom the 'thought' would have to be done. If he thinks about the beloved's glory/appearance, it won't be long before the 'eye of his heart' is in a state of amazement or even helpless stupefaction-- a state so extreme that word would get around, and other lovers and mystics would come to visit this great shrine to the lover's entrancedness and the power of the beloved's glory. (Or, alternatively, the eye of his heart would become a pilgrimage-place for no less an entity than Amazement itself.)

By the time we're this far along in the divan, we don't at all doubt the power of the human mind to achieve such romantic and/or mystical feats. After all, we saw one of the greatest examples back in {5,4}.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --