chāhe hai phir kisī ko muqābil meñ ārzū
surme se tez dashnah-e mizhgāñ kiye huʾe
1) Longing again wants someone in confrontation/presence
2) [who is in a state of] having made sharp with collyrium the dagger of the eyelashes
chāhe hai is an archaic form of, here, chāhtī hai (GRAMMAR)
muqābil : 'Fronting, confronting; opposing, contending; opposite; --comparing; collating; --corresponding, matching; resembling, like; --in opposition (to, - ke ); in front (of), over against; face to face (with), in the presence (of); --in comparison (with)'. (Platts p.1053)
He says, I have a longing that again someone would come to confront me, having made sharp the dagger of the eyelashes with collyrium. (323)
Again Longing claims that some beloved should come and stand before-- and how? Like this: that she would have put a flood [bāṛh] of collyrium on the dagger of the eyelashes. That is, her eyes would be covered with collyrium. (500)
The meaning is that some beloved with collyrium-covered eyes would be seated before me, and would be wounding my heart with the arrow of her glance. (553)
On the structure of this ghazal as a kind of loosely 'continuous' one, see {233,1}.
This verse and the previous one, {233,12}, are close parallels in structure.
The only noteworthy feature I can find in this verse is the well-situated use of muqābil meñ . Its basic meaning here is definitely something like 'in confrontation' or 'in opposition', which suits with the second line and its description of the beloved's murderous preparation (sharpening the dagger).
But the secondary meaning is still that of 'corresponding, matching, resembling, like', or at least 'in the presence of' (see the definition above). And how can such a meaning not be part of what the lover's 'Longing' is longing for? For after all, the eyelashes are a dagger that can 'slay' the lover in a way that he longs for, and the 'likeness' or 'presence' that is sought is surely a (perverse?) form of connection or mutual understanding.
On the special qualities of collyrium, see {44,1}.
[No commentary is provided.]
== Nazm page 264