SECTION 2c *back to section 2b*
(we're now on page *he , continued*) 
Munshi Sahib: Khan Sahib, now you please instruct us with something.
Khan Sahib: Sir, please excuse me, nothing comes to mind.
Rusva: Come on, recite something.
Khan Sahib recited one opening-verse and two verses:
munshī ṣāḥib :: ḳhāñ ṣāḥib ab āp kuchh irshād kījiye -
ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: ḥaẓrat mujhe to muʿāf kījiye - kuchh yād nahīñ ātā -
rusvā :: kuchh to paṛhiye -
khañ ṣāḥib ne ek mat̤laʿ aur do shiʿr paṛhe -

1) Alas, the 'daughter of the grape'[=wine] is not available
In a month, for a single night she's not available

Rusva: What a good 'implication' it is! That is, the night of the fourteenth.
Khan Sahib: [taslim]

==The 'implication' [kināyah] is that even on the night of the full moon, when it's traditional to sit outside in the moonlight and drink wine, wine is not available. The meter of the ghazal is #15/16 in the *meter list*

ḥaif bint al-ʿinab nahīñ miltī
māh meñ ek shab nahīñ miltī

rusvā :: kyā achchhā kināyah hai - yaʿnī shab-e chār-daham -
ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: taslīm -

2) One normally gets praise for the craftsmanship of a verse
Praise for 'elegance of search' is not available

Rusva: What can I say-- you've composed it well.

==The skilful use of 'verbal devices' [ṣanʿat] is fundamental to ghazal technique; one is praised for the results, not for the elegance, skill, beauty of the 'search' for the verbal devices that produce the results.

yūñ to miltī hai dād-e ṣanʿat-e shiʿr
dād-e ḥusn-e t̤alab nahīñ miltī

rusvā :: kyā kahnā - ḳhūb farmāyā -

3) Through somebody's mischievousnesses, my goal
Used to be available, now it's not available

Rusva: He's composed a peerless verse.
Khan Sahib: [taslim] 

[*vāʾo*] shoḳhiyoñ se kisī kī merī murād
pahle miltī thī ab nahīñ miltī

rusvā :: lājavāb shiʿr kahā hai -
ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: taslīm -

After this one gentleman arrived. In his manservant's hand was a lantern.
Khan Sahib: What gentlemen is arriving? In a moonlit night, what need was there for a lantern?
Navab Sahib: Sir, it was foolish, please pardon me.
Khan Sahib: Aha! Navab Sahib! [in Persian] 'In your case, no objection.' 

is ke baʿd ik ṣāḥib tashrīf lāʾe - ādmī ke hāth meñ lālṭen thī -
ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: yih kaun ṣāḥib āte haiñ - shab-e māh meñ lālt̤en kī kyā ẓarūrat thī -
navāb ṣāḥib :: ḥaẓrat ḥimāqat to huʾī - muʿāf kījiyegā -
ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: āh hā - navāb ṣāḥib - " baḥuẓūr maẓāʾiqah nadārad " -

The Navab Sahib entered. Everyone greeted him respectfully. He was requested to recite a ghazal.
Navab Sahib: I've come out of eagerness to hear you gentlemen; I don't remember any such thing [of my own poetry].
Shaikh Sahib: Sir, you'll have to recite a ghazal.

Navab Sahib: All right, whatever I remember, I present to you: 

==The agreement pattern ġhazal paṛhnā hogī is now archaic.

navāb ṣāḥib tashrīf lāʾe - sab ne taʿz̤īm kī - ġhazal paṛhne kī farmāʾish huiʾī -
navāb ṣāḥib :: maiñ to āp ṣāḥiboñ kā mushtāq ho ke āyā hūñ - mujhe to kuchh yād-vād nahīñ -
shaiḳh ṣāḥib :: janāb ġhazal paṛhnā hogī -
navāb ṣāḥib :: achchhā jo kuchh yād ātā hai ʿarẓ kiye detā hūñ -

4) One or another of the murderer's coquetries will lodge in the heart
One or another of the arrows of fate will sometime be effective

The friends: Praise be to God, vaah vaa, what an opening-verse he's composed!
Navab Sahib: (bending and doing taslims) Let the verse be considered:

dil meñ khap jāʾegī qātil kī adā ek nah ek
kār-gar hogā kabhī tīr-e qaẓā ek nah ek

aḥbāb :: subḥānullâh - vāh vā - kyā mat̤laʿ farmayā hai -
navāb ṣāḥib :: ( jhuk jhuk ke taslīmeñ karne lage ) shīʿr mulāḥaz̤ah ho -

5) One is devoted to Houris, another is mad for idols
Men search for one or another Lord

The friends: Vah, what a verse he's composed!
Navab Sahib: [taslim]
After this he remained silent.
Rusva: Let something else be recited.
Navab Sahib: By God, now I really don't remember anything

koʾī ḥūroñ pah fidā koʾī butoñ par shaidā
ḍhūñḍh hī lete haiñ insān ḳhudā ek nah ek

a;hbaab :: vaah kyaa shi((r kahaa hai _
navab .saa;hib :: tasliim _
is ke baʿd chup ho rahe -
rusvā :: aur kuchh irshād ho -
navāb ṣāḥib :: vāllâh ab kuchh yād hī nahīñ ātā -


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