SECTION 2d | *back
to section 2c* (we're now on page *vāʾo , continued*) |
Munshi Sahib: Pandit Sahib,
now you please do justice to [the claims of] eloquence. Pandit-ji: In accordance with the order, I present two or three verses. |
ṣāḥib :: pañḍit ṣāḥib ab āp dād-e faṣāḥat dījiye - pañḍit jī :: imtiṡlāṅ ul-amar - do tīn shiʿr ʿarẓ kiye detā hūñ - |
1) In union, mention of the enemy
kept on at every moment being made The friends: praise. =========== |
meñ żikr-e ʿadū bhī dam bah dam hotā rahā aḥbāb
:: taʿrīf - |
2) Oh pious ones, for two days there
has been talk of truth-worship Navab Sahib: We can't say
it, but he has composed a fine one. |
do din se charchā ḥaq-parastī kā huʾā navāb ṣāḥib
:: ham nahīñ kah sakte - magar ḳhūb kahā - |
3) Oh Preacher, why would he bow his
head before anybody-- The friends: praise. |
kyūñ sar jhukāʾe vuh kisī ke rūbarū aḥbāb
:: taʿrīf - |
4) In praise of the curls we wrote
chapter upon chapter Rusva: This is the special
Lucknow taste. =========== |
zulf kī
taʿrīf meñ daftar ke daftar likh diye rusvā ::
yih ḳhāṣ lakhnaʾū kā mażāq hai - |
5) The heart that was formerly the
newly-sprung rose of the garden of desire Navab Sahib: Look at what
a verse he's composed! |
jo thā pahle gul-e nau-rastah-e bāġh-e murād navāb
ṣāḥib :: dekhiye kyā shiʿr kahā hai - |
6) Makhmur, when did you manage to
give due thanks to Him? Khan Sahib: Praise be to God! [He recites a somewhat similar Persian verse.] =========== |
maḳhmūr us kā kab adā tujh se huʾā ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: subḥān allâh - [[ fārsī kā shiʿr ]] |
Rusva: Khan Sahib, because
of you it's difficult even to recite a verse. =========== |
:: ḳhāñ ṣāḥib āp ke māre to shiʿr hī paṛhnā mushkil hai - aḥbāb :: subḥān allâh - kyā ġhazal farmāʾī hai - pañḍit jī :: āp kī ʿināyat , parvarish , bandah-navāzī - vāllâh yih āp hī logoñ kā ṣadqah hai - |
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