SECTION 2d *back to section 2c*
(we're now on page *vāʾo , continued*) 
Munshi Sahib: Pandit Sahib, now you please do justice to [the claims of] eloquence.
Pandit-ji: In accordance with the order, I present two or three verses. 
munshī ṣāḥib :: pañḍit ṣāḥib ab āp dād-e faṣāḥat dījiye -
pañḍit jī :: imtiṡlāṅ ul-amar - do tīn shiʿr ʿarẓ kiye detā hūñ -

1) In union, mention of the enemy kept on at every moment being made
For my part, the sherbet of the vision kept turning to poison

The friends: praise. 
Pandit Sahib: [taslim]

==' Sherbet' [sharbat] is a sweet drink; it may be chilled, but it's not frozen. The meter of the ghazal is #10 in the *meter list*

vaṣl meñ żikr-e ʿadū bhī dam bah dam hotā rahā
sharbat-e dīdār mere ḥaq meñ sam hotā rahā

aḥbāb :: taʿrīf -
pañḍit ṣāḥib :: [taslīm] -

2) Oh pious ones, for two days there has been talk of truth-worship
Otherwise, in the Ka'bah the talk of idols always kept on occurring

Navab Sahib: We can't say it, but he has composed a fine one.
Pandit Sahib: Say it or don't say it, but the thing [that I've said in the verse] is true. Let this verse be considered:

zāhidā do din se charchā ḥaq-parastī kā huʾā
varnah kaʿbe meñ sadā żikr-e ṣanam hotā rahā

navāb ṣāḥib :: ham nahīñ kah sakte - magar ḳhūb kahā -
[*ze*] pañḍit ṣāḥib :: kahiye yā nah kahiye - magar bāt sachchī hai - yih shiʿr mulāḥaz̤ah ho-

3) Oh Preacher, why would he bow his head before anybody--
[He] whose head has kept bending over that one's footstep

The friends: praise.
Pandit Sahib: [taslim]

vāʿiz̤ā kyūñ sar jhukāʾe vuh kisī ke rūbarū
jis kā sar naqsh-e qadam par us ke ḳham hotā rahā

aḥbāb :: taʿrīf -
pañḍit ṣāḥib :: taslīm -

4) In praise of the curls we wrote chapter upon chapter
Hair after hair kept recording the state of agitation

Rusva: This is the special Lucknow taste.
Pandit-ji: And since when are you from Delhi?
Rusva: All right, recite the verse; I just made a simple remark. 

==The Delhi-Lucknow rivalry was often felt to be skewed in favor of Delhi, as this exchange of barbed remarks shows.

zulf kī taʿrīf meñ daftar ke daftar likh diye
mū bah mū ḥāl-e pareshānī raqam hotā rahā

rusvā :: yih ḳhāṣ lakhnaʾū kā mażāq hai -
pañḍit jī :: aur āp dihlī ke kab haiñ -
rusvā :: achchhā shiʿr paṛhiye - maiñ ne to ik bāt kahī -

5) The heart that was formerly the newly-sprung rose of the garden of desire
Kept turning into the thorns of the longing for sorrow and mourning

Navab Sahib: Look at what a verse he's composed!
Khan Sahib: Consider the vigor of the words.
Pandit-ji: [taslim]. Let the closing-verse be considered:

dil jo thā pahle gul-e nau-rastah-e bāġh-e murād
ḳhār-ḳhār-e ḥasrat-e ranj-o-alam hotā rahā

navāb ṣāḥib :: dekhiye kyā shiʿr kahā hai -
ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: mutānat-e alfāz̤ mulāḥazah ho -
pañḍit jī :: taslīm - maqt̤aʿ mulāḥazah ho -

6) Makhmur, when did you manage to give due thanks to Him?
Since with every breath the Creator's kindness to you continued 

Khan Sahib: Praise be to God! [He recites a somewhat similar Persian verse.]

=='Makhmur' ("Intoxicated") is the Pandit-ji's pen-name.
==The archaic spelling tujse , without the aspiration, is merely casual; the next line has the aspiration.

shukriyah maḳhmūr us kā kab adā tujh se huʾā
har nafas tujh par jo ḳhāliq kā karam hotā rahā

ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: subḥān allâh - [[ fārsī kā shiʿr ]]

Rusva: Khan Sahib, because of you it's difficult even to recite a verse.
The friends: Praise be to God! What a ghazal he's been pleased to recite!
Pandit-ji: It's your kindness, generosity, servant-protection. By God, it's a gift of you people alone. 

==Such extravagant gratitude is a counterpart of the extravagant praise from the listeners; both are thoroughly stylized.

rusvā :: ḳhāñ ṣāḥib āp ke māre to shiʿr hī paṛhnā mushkil hai -
aḥbāb :: subḥān allâh - kyā ġhazal farmāʾī hai -
pañḍit jī :: āp kī ʿināyat , parvarish , bandah-navāzī - vāllâh yih āp hī logoñ kā ṣadqah hai -

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