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manzil : 'A place for alighting, a place for the accommodation of travellers, a caravansary, an inn, a hotel; a house, lodging, dwelling, mansion, habitation, station; ... —a day's journey;—a stage (in travelling, or in the divine life);—place of destination, goal; boundary, end, limit'. (Platts p.1076)
ġharīb : 'Foreign, alien; strange, wonderful; rare, unusual, extraordinary; —poor, destitute; meek, mild, humble, lowly; —a stranger, foreigner, an alien; —a poor man; a meek or humble person'. (Platts p.770)
TERMS == AMBIGUITYTo exclaim 'God knows!'-- or here, literally, 'the Lord might know'-- is to disavow all (possibility of) knowledge. And/or, of course, to say something pious about the Lord's omnipotence, or even to suggest that the Lord might indeed might be keeping a special eye on the travails of the passionate (mystical) lover on his journey through the 'stages' of the Sufi path.
With a burst of compassion, the speaker calls the heart a ġharib --a word which has a root meaning 'to become distant, to go far away'. As SRF observes, a condition of helplessness, friendlessness, and general misery follows readily in the ghazal world (and often outside it) from the very nature of being a stranger or foreigner. Unsurprisingly, all these meanings (see the definition above) work excellently with the verse's depiction of the sufferings of the hapless heart. The speaker, so solicitous about the poor friendless heart, doesn't seem concerned at all about his own fate.