


bah bhī gayā badan kā sab gosht ho ke pānī
ab kārd ai ʿazīzāñ pahuñchī hai ustuḳhvāñ tak

1) it has even/also flowed away, all the flesh of the body, having become water
2) now the cutting, oh dear ones, has arrived as far as the bones



kārd : 'Driving, repelling, pursuing (a foe); cutting, shaving'. (Steingass p.1022)

S. R. Faruqi:

The phrase kārd bah ustuḳhvān rasīdan is a famous Persian idiom. 'For the knife to arrive at the bone'-- that is, to be in harsh trouble and difficulty. In order to prove it, what a beautiful and hair-raising first line he has composed: that all the flesh of the body has become water and flowed away.

It's obvious that in such a situation the knife will, willy-nilly, reach to the bone. There's a common belief about poisonous snakes, that if they bite someone, the whole body becomes water and flows away. In this way in the first line the implication of the 'poison of grief' or the 'serpent of passion' has also been established.

For the 'serpent of passion', see, in the sixth divan [{1862,7}]:

vāmiq-o-kohkan-o-qais nahīñ hai koʾī
bhakh gayā ʿishq kā azḍar mire ġham-ḳhvāroñ ko

[Vamiq and Kohkan and Qais-- none of them is around
the serpent of passion ate up my sympathizers/'grief-eaters']

The address to the 'dear ones' brings the present verse nearer to everyday life. In this address there's a suspicion of sarcasm and helplessness both.

[See also {254,3}.]



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --