


jab se ḳhat̤ hai siyāh ḳhāl kī thāñg
tab se lipṭī hai hand chāroñ dāñg

1) from the time when the down [on the cheek] became the den of a black thief/mole,
2) since then, the road has been surrounded in all four directions!



ḳhāl : 'A black mole on the face (regarded as ornamental); a spot, patch (natural); an artificial spot (made of kājal , &c., for ornament, or to ward off the effects of the malignant eye)'. (Platts p.485)


thāñg : 'lit. 'The exact spot or place' (of a thing lost or sought); a den of thieves: trace of stolen property; trace, track, clue, information; —stolen property'. (Platts p.346)


lipaṭnā : 'To cling (to), adhere (to); to twine or coil (round, -meñ ); to mix (with), unite (with); to harmonize (with); to stick close (to) ..., to follow, pursue; ... —to be embraced; to be wrapped or folded (in), to be encased; to be enclosed, be encased (in); to be rolled up (or made) into a ball; to be involved; to be implicated (in)'. (Platts p.950)


hand : 'Way, road, manner, law, custom, usage'. (Steingass p.1513)


dāñg : 'A small denomination of money ...; side or quarter (of a town); a side'. Platts p.503)

S. R. Faruqi:

thāñg = a house of thieves
hand = (rhymes with band ) road
dāñg = side

In the verse, several words are uncommon. The word hand , meaning 'road', is Persian, but it's so rare that in many dictionaries it's not found. Then, thāñg and dāñg are not obvious words. So just look at the affinities: a mole is black [kālā], and kālā also means a 'thief'; in this regard he's said that within the down there's a ḳhāl -- so to speak, a thief has made a dwelling.

Thieves make their dens in forests, or else they stay hidden behind thickets along the road; in this regard to call the 'down' (keep in mind that it's also called 'the greenery of down' [sabzah-e ḳhat̤]) a den of thieves also has a great affinity. With regard to the 'blackness' of the down, siyāh has an affinity with ḳhat̤ and of course with 'mole'. Then, the expression ḳhat̤-o-ḳhāl (meaning 'form and face') too is part of the idiom. And dāñg is a small coin; thus there's an affinity between it and lipṭī hai .

At the first sight of hand , the thought occurs that this will probably be hind . And one meaning of hind is also 'black' (as in hind-e ḥinā meaning 'the blackness of mehndi'; and from hind the attention goes toward 'Hindu', which is used in the meanings of both 'thief' and 'watchman'. In short, it's hardly a verse-- it's a wonder-house of affinities. And with playfulness, in addition!

[For discussion of this ghazal as a whole, see {263,9}.]



The down on the beautiful boy's cheek is the thicket, behind which the black mole (i.e., the highway robber) hides in his den, waiting for victims. By now, the road-- apparently hand has been taken as feminine in Urdu-- is surrounded with thickets in every direction, so that the hapless traveller has no chance of escape.

And of course, the verse may also tease the boy about the way his beard is growing in; in the ghazal world, this marks the end of his attractiveness as a beloved.

The verse also deserves credit, as SRF notes, for several 'fresh words' that rarely appear in the ghazal world.

I thank Zahra Sabri for giving me (July 2014) a push in the right interpretive direction, on this one.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --